Gym Journey

A new way to track your workouts.


GymJourney offers a comprehensive platform for users to track their weight, set goals, and make regular updates to their progress. In addition, users can conveniently log their workouts, recording details such as exercises performed, sets, reps, and weights used.

Weight Tracker

GymJourney incorporates a comprehensive weight tracking feature that empowers users to effortlessly log their weight and establish personalized goals. Additionally, a visually engaging graph displays the progress of your weight throughout your fitness journey, enabling you to track and visualize your achievements.

Workout Logger

Tracking your workouts is a crucial element in every individual's fitness journey. Our workout logger provides a seamless solution for effortlessly monitoring and documenting exercise routines, encompassing sets, reps, and weights. This invaluable tool empowers users to track their progress in weightlifting accurately, allowing them to gauge their growth and improvements over time.

Mobile App Coming Soon!

iOS and Android App is currently in development.

GymJourney Demo

Username: DemoUser

Password: DemoPassword123